You and Your Word is My Life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47)


Qt: Today's word is so short, but its importance is profound. Moses asked that the word of God should be in the heart of us. I already know that, but today I accept it with a fresh mind. I will do my best the word of God will work on my heart not just on my logic.

In this context, when we do the education program, the core value of that should be this. The word of God could be settled down to the heart. I am sure that the Christian Book Club is the best way for that. 

Interestingly, Moese compares two attitudes to the word of God. Someone treats it as an empty one. This is a shocking description but it's real. I decided to deal with God's word as my life according to the request of Moses. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your words. I recognized that your word is so precious because it is my life. I want to hold your word in my heart firmly. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen. 


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