Spotify Podcast

Act with wise strategy (Acts 19:8-9)

QT: Paul is in Ephesus to preach the Kingdom of God. He used two methods to preach and have a persuasive conversation. Unfortunately, some Jews refused to believe and blamed the Gospel publicly. So he moved to the lecture hall of Tyrannus. Actually, it has been used as the place of the philosopher but Paul tried to use it to preach. This is a revolutionary approach. And even he used the chance the time people took a rest due to the weather. In this context, he was not just a missionary or preacher. He was a strategist and very wise to spread the Gospel. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing the wisdom of Paul. His environment always fluctuated but he tried his best to spread the Gospel with subtle wisdom. Please give us wisdom from you so we evangelize in the world bravely. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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