Spotify Podcast

Jesus has the higest status (Hebrews 1:5-14)


Qt: I think that Hebrews is a critical book in the Bible. Because it explains the status of Jesus Christ. In the history of the church, there was a lot of heresy to diminish Jesus according to human views. But, through the Bible, God says that Jesus has the unique and highest status that can't be compared with other beings or things. Everything will perish but he will remain forever. So this proclamation of the Bible gives us deep comfort. Our natural response to Jesus is worshiping him only. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only son to us. It is your sole grace because we can't reach out to you and your standard for righteousness. Jesus is the God and he has the highest position in the world. Nothing can't be compared with him. We want to love him and worship him due to his glory. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen. 


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